Che cos'è riTROVO?
We are a nonprofit Cultural Association of experts in heritage education, communication and mediation specialized in Art Didactics.
We design workshops and educational activities to be held in museums,
archaeological parks or in nature, for us the key word is RELATION, to be activated with the participants and the works, the spaces, the people, the territory.
All our activities include diversified strategies depending on the age of the participants, focusing on the importance of slowing down and questioning, opening to dialogue, exchange and development of our creativity.

About us

We have been working since 2020 in the territory of Naples and province, collaborating with numerous institutions, including:
Madre Museum, Gaetano FIlangieri Museum, Salvatore Emblema Museum,
Morra Greco Foundation, Campi Flegrei Archaeological Park, Archaeological Museum of the Phlegraean Fields, Academy of Fine Arts of Naples...

In our activities we are always trying to improve the relationship between people and places by questioning our certainties.
Questioning means seeing things from new perspectives, opening up and opening to possibilities, that is: creativity.