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Cosa facciamo


Cosa facciamo


Cosa facciamo


Cosa facciamo



For the schools and organized groups

We offer educational activities to be conducted in the classroom, at the museum or outdoors.

You can download our educational offerings or build a new activity with us,
contact us using the form below to find out how.


Our activities always aim to establish connections, relationships with heritage, the
environment and people.


We work with schools of all levels,
in our educational offer you will find.

7 predefined activities and 4 activities to build together.

On request it is possible to design activities
from scratch to meet all needs.


If you need more information please contact us via the form below

Or you can reach us on whatsapp at +39 378 066 9739
or send us an e-mail on

Lasciaci la tua email per non perderti nessuna novità!

Grazie per averci lasciato la tua e-mail, ne avremo gran cura

RITROVO - cultural association C.F. 96043210630

Via Montenuovo Licola Patria, 84, 80078, Pozzuoli (NA) +39 378 066 9739

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