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Block of common errors

The activity asks the people involved to try their hand at the collective construction of a device for unlearning identities, expressions, heritage, through dialogue and exchange, in a game of building and reconstructing the blocks that will be made available.

The act of unlearning is to be understood as the action of opening, making space for the new, translating the reality around us to welcome the different, the unknown, the background noise.

The resulting block will thus bear witness to the dialogue about what heritage can help us overcome and change, socially and culturally.


  • Deconstructing prejudices of all forms and types

  • Developing identity from heritage

  • Reassessing one's expressive abilities


Suitable for people 14 years and older


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RITROVO - cultural association C.F. 96043210630

Via Montenuovo Licola Patria, 84, 80078, Pozzuoli (NA) +39 378 066 9739

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