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RAMO, Reimagining Art, Museums, Objects

RAMO is a small leporello tool inside which are 5 lenses.

By overlapping these lenses on our gaze, it is possible to turn them into real filters, to change colors or distort what you see.

One can interact with the artworks, play in the museum space, project or narrow one's field of vision to focus on details without jeopardizing their integrity.

A tool to reappropriate one's corporeality in the museum, as a body that lives through the gaze.

You choose how you use RAMO!


  • Changing point of view

  • Relationship between body and space

  • Active involvement of the user


Suitable for groups of all ages or families


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RITROVO - cultural association C.F. 96043210630

Via Montenuovo Licola Patria, 84, 80078, Pozzuoli (NA) +39 378 066 9739

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